Saturday, December 7, 2019

Computer Information System Contemporary Computing

Question: Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage. Discuss. To achieve this: Select TWO computing stories from the Live News exercise you fulfil in each weeks tutorial. Using Actor Network Theory as your primary tool for analysis, at a minimum: Describe the scales on which the actants in your stories act in the assemblage Discuss how these actions can enhance management functions Outline what issues/questions these actions raise. To achieve this, compare and contrast the viewpoints of a range of theorists and critics explored throughout the module. Conclude by summarising how your answers relate to the statement Contemporary computing can be seen as an assemblage. Answer: Introduction: With modern technological trend there are numbers of inventions are taking place. With the advent technologies there are numbers of inventions and researches are taking place. Even there are numbers of operations take place in an organization those were much complex when these operations were being conducted manually. Multiple numbers of processes needed to be conducted when an operation take place. Even when numbers of procedures took place and level of abstraction were used to increase, delays occur causing less productivity. On the other hand to manage huge amount of data and to store it effectively and to use required pattern of data it was taking a lot of time and huge amount of human effort. With the gradual increment in the technological aspect, it has been possible to introduce advanced mechanism, tools and methodologies to handle huge amount of business data. Even use of new application and software tools has changed the conventional strategies those were adapted for busines s growth. Compatibilities between the hardware and software matters the most due to the security purpose and effective use of the system. In this document I have highlighted numbers of system specification and put the light upon the relationship between the hardware and software, as it is more important to maintain the compatibility between the hardware and software specifications (Maksimovic et al., 2015). Without the compatibility match it is not possible to update the software installed within a machine. There are numbers of patches available as an open source or it is also possible to buy patches or the updated software from the vendors. Without the patches or system updates there is a huge possibility for the intruders to hack the user system and to steal the user credential and other necessary data that can initiate big loss for the authenticate user. For example, few months ego the lack of Linux patches have raised the vulnerability for all the Linux based application (Marigodov and Bab urov, 2015). Freak attack have been initiated there, that have reinforce the authenticate client and server to accept the weaken key that can easily be known. These patches are much more required to balance the compatibility between the hardware and software. With the advent of technological trend and most the software and hardware tools are changing the degree of compatibility. Even almost every tool is becoming more compact and becoming smaller in a size with loads of capacity. Space and time complexities are the factors where revolution is taking place (Network Computing, 2013). Keeping all these computing stories in mind I have introduced two computing stories in this document that have drawn the impact of advance mechanism of networking and users preference for a particular OS by comparing their features and services. Two computing stories that can be seen as an assemblage: With newly applied technologies and trends there are numbers of applications and technologies have been introduced to manage overall task in a business organization. Though there are numbers of effects on the white choler jobs still manager and higher authorities prefer to have those technologies to have smooth flow in their task and eliminate numbers of process level by eliminating different job roles and imposing all the job responsibilities upon a single machine or upon a single application. There are numbers of tools and methodologies have been introduced for contemporary computing (Wang et al., 2014). There are numbers of mobile computing features have been introduced, for example, features of smart phones now day are helping companies to grow their business revenue by adding different features for their online presence. There are numbers of organizations who are adopting their online presence to reach maximum of their customer. Hence there are numbers of advance system software for desktop assistance and number of networking equipments are in use for better communication (A Robust Fingerprint Matching System Using Orientation Features, 2015). While I was choosing 2 computing stories across the world, there are numbers of scenarios are coming around my mind; two of them are- software defined networking architectures and Linux desktop in the Enterprise. Story 1: Software defined networking is a current topic for debate in the industry. There are several experts are there who presents the best way to implement software based networking. It is obvious that it will require more expertise and affect network administrator and engineers even the way it is disrupting the conventional power structure in the entire networking industry. While there are numbers of options available on this emerging technology, there are numbers of unavoidable facts those are bound to take place, such as- SDN has introduced numbers of new innovation to the network (Anisimova and Krasnova, 2015). Big Switch Network, which is a software-defined networking company and have their head quarter in Santa Clara have their two mind blowing product on the Big Trap Monitoring Fabric and Big Cloud Fabric. These products are mainly designed for private data centers, service providers and enterprise. Big Switch Networks Open SDN platform provides an Open Flow Switch fabric that can r un on bare metal switch fabric those are built using merchant silicon that may provide less number of features than the traditional chips but takes low cost and allow more flexible switching as an advantage (Baranovskiy, 2015). Story 2: On the other hand the while windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 13.10 just flying out and windows XP support are becoming least effective in terms of windows XP support, it is the good time for the companies across the world to consider switching to Linux based desktop. Linux has grown into a fearsome competitor in the market of smart phone and cloud computing, which has caught Microsoft off guard. Furthermore, Google, Red Hat, IBM, Netflix and Facebook have made a large numbers of investments in the innovation of Linux (HATTORI, 2010). With the shrinking technology budgets and rising fees for Microsoft licensing, time has brought the serious consideration on desktop Linux deployment as an alternative option to windows. Here it is the better time when windows 8.1 has just been released and on the other hand Ubuntus 13.10 has also introduced itself and that is why Windows XP left their remaining support, hence companies are looking for something new. Ubuntu may just need companies to support their desktop OS needs. Hence companies need to switch for the training and support as well as proper support to handle complications (Chen and Xiang, 2015). These inventions or the updates in the system specification are much required to advance the solution that serve the organizational purpose, it is possible now as the patches are available as an open source software update, obviously in case of some system application. These utmost compatibility among the hardware and software tools helps to protect the systems form the intruders and form the mistakenly use of malicious links across the internet (Li and Frmlohner, 2005). Conclusion: With the rising trend and havoc use of internet have gave birth to numbers of computing stories which have influenced and still influencing numbers of organization to conduct researches and towards the more numbers of invention. Even now a day organizations now a day are more tend to work in the field of sustainable innovation in technology innovation. Hence organizations are more likely to take innovative way to use hardware and software tools across the organization, hence can be possible to increase the degree of productivity. While there are numbers of software and hardware tools are in use, there are numbers of examples on the use of advanced hardware and software tools that has put a lot of positive impacts on the organizational processes. For example there are OLAP system that has the better capacity to store huge amount of system and organizational data other software tools such as mining tools like WEKA have the ability to classify the all the data stored in a OLTP system. D ata can be analyzed and can be classified using these analytics tools. On the other hand use of these tools and to run these tools properly, it is required to have efficient hardware support and operating systems need to be compatible enough. As to capture this entire huge amount of data and to process them, it is required to have huge storage capacity, i.e. efficient amount of hard disk space to run the all these system software effectively. If we talk about all the above mentioned computing facilities, those facilities require numbers of networking equipments and suitable software compatibility, for example, these products are mainly designed for private data centers, service providers and enterprise. Big Switch Networks Open SDN platform provides an Open Flow Switch fabric that can run on bare metal switch fabric those are built using merchant silicon that may provide less number of features than the traditional chips but takes low cost and allow more flexible switching as an adv antage. On the other hand if we talk about the evaluation from the windows 7 to the use of windows 8 and Ubuntu version, it is gaining a huge popularity due the evolving software compatibility of the hardware tools and effective use of software updates. Even there are numbers of system evaluation have take place, due to the use of software patches across the internet. There are numbers of system patches are available as an open source software update, obviously in case of some system application. These utmost compatibility among the hardware and software tools helps to protect the systems form the intruders and form the mistakenly use of malicious links across the internet. For example the ratio of virus attacks in case of Linux is less than the amount of virus attacks initiated for the windows, as the less number of users across the organizations, i.e. Ubuntu is mainly used for the research, academic purpose but general user or most of the organizations are more tend to use the win dows platform for their daily purpose. Hence, intruders or criminal minds are tending to harm those organizations or general people for their benefits, hence attacks generally initiated for the Windows user generally. References: A Robust Fingerprint Matching System Using Orientation Features. (2015). Journal of Information Processing Systems. Anisimova, T. and Krasnova, L. (2015). Interactive Technologies in Electronic Educational Resources. IES, 8(2). Baranovskiy, N. (2015). Project of Eurasian Segment of the New System of Forest Fire Risk Prediction Based on Information and Computer Technologies. Journal of Automation and Information Sciences, 47(3), pp.40-56. Chen, M. and Xiang, W. (2015). Advances on Cloud Computing and Technologies. Mobile Networks and Applications. HATTORI, S. (2010). Computer Algebra System as Test Generation System. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93-D(5), pp.1006-1017. Li, Z. and Frmlohner, K. (2005). Database for supporting engineers and innovators on the basis of a CD-ROM infor-mation system for aging processes. Gerontechnology, 3(4). Liu, J., Li, Y., Jin, D., Su, L. and Zeng, L. (2014). Traffic Aware Cross-Site Virtual Machine Migration in Future Mobile Cloud Computing. Mobile Networks and Applications, 20(1), pp.62-71. Maksimovic, M., Vujovic, V., Perisic, B. and Milosevic, V. (2015). Developing a fuzzy logic based system for monitoring and early detection of residential fire based on thermistor sensors. COMPUT SCI INFORM SY, 12(1), pp.63-89. Marigodov, V. and Baburov, E. (2015). Estimation of communication system, operating in interrupted mode. Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, 58(3), pp.139-143. Network Computing, (2013). Top Network Computing Stories of 2013 - Network Computing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul. 2015]. Prieto, V.,  lvarez, M., Carneiro, V. and Cacheda, F. (2015). Distributed and collaborative Web Change Detection system. COMPUT SCI INFORM SY, 12(1), pp.91-114. Sibgatullina, A. (2015). Contemporary Technologies to Improve the Quality of Education When Training Teachers. IES, 8(3). Wang, C., Li, X., Zhou, X., Nedjah, N. and Wang, A. (2014). Codem: software/hardware codesign for embedded multicore systems supporting hardware services. International Journal of Electronics, 102(1), pp.32-47. Wessel, S., Huber, M., Stumpf, F. and Eckert, C. (2015). Improving mobile device security with operating system-level virtualization. Computers Security. Appendices: Compatibilities between the hardware and software matters the most due to the security purpose and effective use of the system. In story one, Big Switch Networks Open SDN platform provides an Open Flow Switch fabric that can run on bare metal switch fabric those are built using merchant silicon that may provide less number of features than the traditional chips but takes low cost and allow more flexible switching as an advantage. Second story is based on effective use of Linux based desktop rather than the use of Windows based products, especially Windows 8 and Ubuntu is overlapping the use of Windows7 products.

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